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"Under the Tree 420" welcomes you to the heart of a vibrant, eclectic community where the air is rich with the scent of pine and camaraderie. Nestled beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient tree, this podcast serves as a portal into the lives, stories, and shared experiences of the locals who call this place home.

Step into a world where time slows down, and conversations flow freely like the gentle breeze rustling through the leaves. From seasoned elders who have witnessed the evolution
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Live Streamed on September 8, 2024 11:56 PM ET
Cosmic Quirks and Earthly Jerks: A Galactic Gag Reel

Welcome back, Earthlings and orbiting oligarchs, to another episode where we dive deep into the cosmic comedy that is human endeavour and governmental goofs. Today, we're not just pushing the envelope; we're setting it on fire and mailing it to the void. Here's what's on the chopping block:

  • Elon Musk: SkyNet's Cheerful Overlord: Elon now owns the sky, with satellites outnumbering the stars you can see. Remember, every time a satellite blinks, it's just Elon winking at his next big plan to make Mars a suburb of Earth.
  • WEF's Obedience Test: The World Economic Forum admitted what we all suspected: COVID was just a dress rehearsal for the New World Order's obedience pageant. And guess what? We all got participation trophies in the form of mask tan lines.
  • Moderna's Bonus Feature: Got the jab? Congrats, you might just win the cancer lottery! It's not a side effect; it's a feature!
  • FBI's Russian Disinfo Drama: An unsealed doc reveals the FBI's attempt at creating the most convoluted spy novel plot ever. Spoiler: It involves phones, Russians, and disinformation. Or as we call it, Tuesday.
  • Woke and Woeful: A new study links "woke" attitudes to being miserable. Turns out, constantly policing language and culture might not be the joyride to happiness. Who knew being perpetually offended might not be the key to happiness?
  • Boeing's Stellar Faceplant: Their Starliner returned like a boomerang. And now, a 32,000 worker strike? Looks like their next mission might be to Mars, just to escape union meetings.
  • China's Submarine Secret: Chinese scientists claim they've cracked the code for the world's fastest submarines. Next up, they'll probably announce a sub that doubles as a sushi bar.
  • UFO Police Handbook: Police now have a handbook for UFO encounters. Because when the little green men land, the first thing they'll want is to see your vehicle registration.
  • Starlink on Combat Ships: Some sailors got bored and installed Starlink on their combat ship. Now they can stream "The Last Ship" while on the their top secret location is visible to every adversary on the planet.
  • Designer Vaginas and Mental Health: A study suggests 'designer vaginas' boost mental health. Because nothing says mental health like bespoke genitalia.
  • CIA's Heart Attack Gun: Flashback to when the CIA decided if they couldn't win hearts and minds, they'd just stop them instead.

So tune in, turn up, and try not to take life too seriously. After all, in the grand scheme, we're all just temporary entertainment for some cosmic audience. keep laughing at the absurdity we call life; it's the only thing they can't tax... yet.

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